Unless she decides to come on her own, our littlest love will be on her way into this world two weeks from tonight.
I'm not a fan of being induced-I don't like it one bit-but at today's appointment, our Doctor said that it was time to schedule our induction. Because of the Gestational Diabetes (that is completely controlled and has yet to be a problem, proven by blood sugar levels and weekly NST's) he respectfully refuses-despite my begging-to let nature run it's course and allow this little miss to come whenever she's ready. Instead, he will start the eviction process if she's not here by late evening on the 18th.
They say my due date is the 17th, I say it's the 19th, so starting an induction on the 18th isn't the end of the world. It's just that I love the anticipation of the end of pregnancy. My belly is full and round, but I'm not uncomfortable. Everything is so wonderful and easy right now, this sweet little babe just goes everywhere with me, without the time taken to feed, bathe, clothe, change, or hush cries. I love to feel her move, and contemplate what she'll look like; every day is one day closer to meeting her. I only wish it could be on her-more realistically God's-timeline, not on that of our doctor.
That being said, I also understand that the doctor has my best interest and the interest of my baby in mind. He's only scheduled this induction because He believes it's the safest for us both. And when I really stop to think about it, God allowed me to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. He also provided me with an amazing doctor whom I love, and trust. So even with the anticipation of her arrival possibly destroyed, I have to trust that God still has His hand in this and even this induction-should He allow her to remain inside until her due date-would be another part of His perfect plan, whether I like it or not.
So although I would love nothing more for my water to break or to go into labor in the middle of the night in a dramatic and exciting fashion (which makes for better blogging and birth stories, right?) I am willing to accept whatever comes our way.
Which seems to be the theme of this pregnancy.
Along with the scheduled induction at today's appointment, I was also told I am positive for Group B Strep-again-and we sort of forgot to check my progress. So I have no idea if there is anything going on down there, but I kind of like it that way.
Adds a little bit of excitement back into this game, yes?
So while I wait patiently, I have a few more things to cross off my list, like finishing the illustration of an adoption book for a sweet friend, scheduling newborn pictures, sewing a crib skirt for my tiny human, packing my hospital bag, cleaning out the hall closet, and catching up on assignments for my online nutrition class.
Oh, and choosing a middle name.
But despite the rush to get everything done, and the disruption of my plans and my way, I am just so thrilled to be right here, right now. Never a boring-or free-moment, I have so much to look forward to, so much to be thankful for. This is such an exciting time, and I refuse to let any change of plans ruin that. Instead, I'll remember who is in control, and pray that He has His will in this new life that will be here before I know it, even if that means a scheduled induction to go with my Group B Strep, Gestational Diabetes diagnosis, and those new stretch marks I just found on my butt.
As long as it leads me to a healthy new addition to our family, I'll take it.
"God always has a plan, and everything happens for a reason, good or bad. We have to roll with the punches."
-Keith Urban